Acupuncture for Frozen Shoulder
Acupuncture and Frozen Shoulder
Brisbane Acupuncture Clinic
What is Frozen Shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is a common presentation in our Brisbane acupuncture clinic. Frozen Shoulder is a shoulder disorder characterized by an onset of spontaneous and gradual increase of pain accompanied with reduced range of motion of the glenohumeral joint (shoulder) (Cho et al., 2019).
How does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) view Frozen Shoulder?
Cho, C., Bae, K., & Kim, D. (2019). Treatment Strategy for Frozen Shoulder, Clinics in Orthopaedic Surgery, 11(3), 249-257. https://doi.org/10.4055/cios.2019.11.3.249
Our Service Areas
We have clients that visit our acupuncture clinic from all over Brisbane. Most commonly, clients come from suburbs adjoining Jindalee, which include: Mt Ommaney, Middle Park, Sinnamon Park, Seventeen Mile Rocks, Jamboree Heights, Sumner Park, Darra, Oxley, Corinda, Sherwood, Graceville, Kenmore, Sumner, Riverhills, Westlake, Moggil, Kenmore, Chapel Hill, Durack, Indooroopilly, Toowong.